The most valuable learning that happens during Playgroup rarely comes home in a backpack (Anon)
Getting to Know You
Over the last few weeks we have been getting to know new friends, new routines and new opportunities to play. We have welcomed 9 younger children to our pre pre group and we hope they are all settling in well and starting to have fun and develop friendships.
October Theme
We will be continuing with settling in activities learning more about ourselves and adding a touch of Autumn to our play. Keep sending in photographs of your children and families for our All About Me display.
We will be adding an interest area where the children can bring in items for display especially leaves, pine cones, twigs and leaflets of places they have been on walks. We will develop this with the changing seasons and special dates in the months ahead.
Harvest Assembly
The children have been invited to attend Grey Abbey Primary School’s Harvest Assembly this year and perform a song. It is planned for Friday 14th Oct. A separate letter with appropriate permission slips and information will go out on Friday. As our staff/child ratios change for an outing, we unfortunately have to limit the invitation to the children attending Friday as their normal playgroup day.
Key Worker Staff
All pre-school children have been assigned their key worker and we are currently meeting parents for a settling in report. The younger pre pre children will have the name of their key worker on their folder this week. We aim to do their settling in reports before and after Halloween.
Parents Information Night
There will be an informal information night on Tues 11th Oct at 7.30pm in the Hall. This will give parents the opportunity to hear what goes on in playgroup, ask questions, help us plan for the year ahead and launch ‘The Hatchery’. We would encourage as many parents as possible to attend as we recognise the valuable link between parents and Playgroup.
Just a quick reminder to bring in a change of clothes that can be kept in Playgroup, and for outside play we would need the children bring coats with them.
Thank you for your ongoing support – The Chirpy Chicks Team