We closed out 2018 in Chirpys with our regular Christmas show, a nativity this year, and it was great to see so many of our extended Chirpy’s family come along to see our Chirpy Chicks 🐥 and Happy Hatchlings 🐣 on stage. The children have been practicing hard and you may have had some song sneak peeks at home in the run up to the big day 🎶. Everyone was absolutely amazing 🤗 and a big thanks has to go to Wilma, Donna, Rachael and Ellen for working their magic to get stable animals sitting nicely, Mary and Joseph guided safely, angels dancing, stars shining, inn keepers making sure they didn’t breach any regulations, and leading three very wise people to where they needed to be. With our play done we had a special visit from a very good friend as Santa 🎅🏻 stopped by to meet everyone and give out some early presents. 🎁 Lots more pics are available on our Facebook Page so stop by and give us a ‘Like” 😊
We hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas🎄and very Happy New Year 🎉🥳 and we’ll see you all on Monday 7th for more adventures as we take a trip to the Tundra (where?🤔) and go ‘Pole to Pole’ in January to see who lives on the top and bottom of the world! 🌎🐧🐳🦌🐇🐺❄️🥶🐣🐥😊