Guidance from lots of government and health departments have finally settled on how we’re going to get children back to school and importantly for us pre-school.

We’ll have full guidance on our website in a special dedicated section shortly but for now let’s look at a few details on how things will work.

Cleaning – specialist deep cleaning is currently underway in our setting and moving forward we’ll be daily cleaning above and beyond our usual high standard just as schools will have to undertake.

Play and Learning – the daily routine will more or less be the same with some adaptions for play items that we couldn’t effectively clean being swapped out for something more suitable. Soft toys and tiny lego will be getting replaced with something that is still fun but fits the cleaning work flow.

Drop off and pick up – We’ll be using two doors at the setting to help prevent families gathering too close at drop off and pick up times by assigning a family a door to collect your child from. We’ll have guides for that coming shortly.

Show and Tell – always a fun activity but in order to minimise outside items coming into the setting we’ll have to pause brining items in for the time being. If there is a comfort item a child really needs we’ll work with your family to help manage that.

COVID-19 Symptoms – If your child is displaying symptoms they are not to come to pre-school until symptoms have passed. If a child falls ill with symptoms during their time in pre-school they will be cared for by a staff member with appropriate PPE away from the other children, and the request will go out for them to be collected as soon as possible.

Everything we’ll be putting in place ahead of opening is designed to keep the children and their extended family as safe as possible in these challenging times.

As well as new details to come on our website we’ll have a meet and greet morning on Friday 28th August to get to know new friends and see old ones after our time apart. It’ll be great to get the fun moving again and can’t wait to see you all soon. 🐣🐥😊
