The time to say farewell for now has come once more and our Class of 2023 are spreading their wings and heading for P1 🎓. As always we’ll see some of them again down the road and for others who are returning to us in September we’ll have a brand new adventure waiting for them, more details on that coming soon (🌲😉).
As we all turn the page on a new chapter a message from the Team 🐥…
“We wish to say a big thank you to you all for letting us be part of your children’s journey into school. We are touched and overwhelmed by the personalities and characters of all the children, they truly touched our hearts and made our job joyful, and filled with many laughs and special moments. Each child was wonderfully unique and a pleasure to work with. We are sad to see you go, but so excited for your next journey into P1. Thank you to the parents for allowing us to be part of your children’s development and learning! And, to our lovely pre schoolers who will be joining us in September, and the pre pre’s coming back to join us for more learning fun, and the new friends who will be joining us too, we are so excited for our new adventures with you all, to create memories and learn through play and laughter. Have a safe, playful, happy summer. See you all in September! ☀️☀️❤️
Love, The Chirpy’s Team!”
And that draws a fun year to a close. It’s been our privilege to spend time with your little ones, and thank you for all the generous presents, we had to load up the Chirpy Mobile to get them dropped of at the Team’s houses! The fun begins again in two short months 😊.
Graduation pictures, and some of the outtakes from trying to get Graduation pictures below 📸😄.